Comma 22 is a publishing house
founded in 2001, in Bologna, Italy.
Through the titles of our catalogue, about sixty books by now,
our aim has always been to build up an international
literary and visual landscape for the Italian marketplace.
Our activities in comics and graphic novels fields became more and more intense during the last two years, with a range of important authors as Bryan Talbot, Alberto Breccia, Robert Crumb, Rick Veitch, Joe Sacco and new and interesting Dark Horse’s authors.
We also pay attention to emerging international talents with anthologies like Inguine Mah!gazine, now at its second number of the series, linked to the comic festival Komikazen, an important chance for young authors to promote their work. During the last two years we have published about twenty titles, we have strengthen up our nationwide distribution, and our visibility on Italian press and media is growing very fast. Our presence at Lucca Comics, the most important Italian event of the comics scene, is always enriched by the presence of our authors at our stand.
The publishing field was supported by the growing presence of a sector of Comma 22 dedicated to exhibitions andcatalogue printing. Our exhibition about the Italian Constitution illustrated by the most important Italian artists: “La Costituzione illustrata”, was shown in Salaborsa in Bologna. The work by one of our main Italian authors, Giuseppe Palumbo, has been shown in the prestigious location of Palazzo Strozzi in Florence for the exhibition “Caterina e Maria de’ Medici: Donne al potere”, with a graphic novel entitled EternArtemisia, published by Comma 22. Also by Comma 22 is the catalogue of the Future Film Festival, taking place in Bologna from January 27th to February 1st, 2009.
Our new series of novels has just started with two different titles: An Irish Solution, by Cormac Millar, and Keine Ahnung, by Karen Duve.
Feel free to contact us at
for any further information
about rights and content of our books.